How to Start a Bubble Tea Business? 6 Steps You Must to Do

How to Start a Bubble Tea Business? 6 Steps You Must to Do

How to Start a Bubble Tea Business:1.Franchise or Create a Brand

There are advantages and disadvantages to franchising or self-created brands. For those who are curious about how to start a tea business, franchising is relatively simple, and you don’t need to spend too much time on designing, decorating, and marketing.

However, the total tuition fee for franchise and raw materials will need to be paid to the headquarters; self-created brands have a lot of room for their own use. The relative marketing costs to be invested are also relatively high, but both must have brand characteristics and brand value. Set up a clear brand strategy, and you will be more confident about your next steps.

How to Start a Bubble Tea Business:2.Choose a Proper Store Location

The chance of success in creating a new tea business is based on choosing the right location. If there is a good store design, it will be a bonus point. If the rent budget allows, it can be located on the side of the street or street corners in a crowded area with high visibility; if the budget is not high, you can also choose a second-tier city that may have development opportunities.

Further, cooperate with advertising and marketing to promote your signature products. Thus, create a higher chance of developing successful brands and reputations.

How to Start a Bubble Tea Business:3. Design your Store Menu

One of the core issues about how to start a bubble tea business is to decide the style of your store. The style of the store must be determined according to your brand positioning. Common beverage stores are mainly clean and simple style, while some are retro style.

You can decide your brand positioning based on the products you expect to sell in your future, and then set up its characteristics, which develop market segmentation.

How to Start a Bubble Tea Business:4. Sources of Raw Material and Supplies

Using professional appliances can highlight the professionalism of your store, and customers will be willing to pay a higher price for your products.

A stable source of raw materials and taste is definitely the most important thing for a store. HIGHTEA provides comprehensive machine raw materials planning, the most stable supply quality and taste in the industry, helping you save more time and cost.

How to Start a Bubble Tea Business:5. Employee Training & Development

Train and manage the service team to establish two-way communication with customers. Establish an effective management model, reduce the turnover rate of personnel.

Let the front-line service personnel who directly face customers help you make suggestions that are closer to customers and don’t forget to create smooth consumer feedback channels.

How to Start a Bubble Tea Business:6. Obtain Proper Permits & Licenses

Importing from various countries requires local import permits and business licenses. According to different national regulations, you need to understand the relevant regulations of your own country.

If you need assistance, please contact us. High Tea will provide our professional answers for you with 30 years of experience in the global tea industry. Hopefully, after reading this article, you get a deeper understanding of how to start a bubble tea business!

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Address: No.26, Wuquan 6th Rd., Wugu Dist., New Taipei City 24889, Taiwan

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