Privacy Policy

High Tea is operated by Pei Chen Corporation; in order to maintain personal privacy and support the protection of personal data, High Tea would like to make the following statement to explain to you the purpose, category and scope of use of personal data collected by High Tea. If you have any questions about High Tea’s privacy policy, the following related notices, or matters related to personal data protection, you can contact High Tea and we will reply as soon as possible.

The Coverage of This Privacy Policy

High Tea’s privacy policy and the notices are only applicable to websites owned and operated by Pei Chen Corporation. High Tea’s website may contain many links, or products and services provided by other partners and individual stores. The privacy policy of such linked websites, partner websites or individual stores’ online stores and personal information’s data protection, please refer to each linked website, partner website or individual store.

Statements to declare based on the Personal Data Protection Law

1. The name of the collecting organization: Pei Chen Corporation

2. Purpose of collection: To provide the company’s related services, marketing, customer management, member management and other marketing promotion activities that cooperate with third parties.

3. Period, area, target and method of use

In order to provide e-commerce services, after-sales service, fulfill statutory or contractual obligations, protect the rights and interests of parties and related interested parties, marketing, customer management and services, and operate businesses that are in compliance with the business registration items or the articles of association. For other purposes, according to the nature of each service, it is possible to collect your name, contact method (including but not limited to phone number, E-MAIL and address, etc.), information required to complete collection or payment, IP address, and other personal data that can directly or indirectly identify the user.

In addition, in order to improve the quality of services, High Tea will record the user’s IP address and browsing activities on High Tea’s related websites (including but not limited to the software used by the user, the nature of the service provided, selected webpages) and other data. These data are only used for traffic analysis and internet behavior investigation, in order to improve the service quality of High Tea’s related websites, and will not be connected to specific individuals.

Collections and Using for Guests

  1. When you use this website, High Tea will automatically record relevant actions on the server system, including the IP address of the connected device, time of use, browser used, browsing and clicking records, etc. For Pei Chen’s reference basis for enhancing its website services. This record is an internal application of High Tea and will not be used publicly.
  2. After High Tea collects user information, its main purpose is to customize advertisements that you may be interested in, to improve the products or services we provide, to compare user data within the system to facilitate users to communicate with each other or provide new services, contact users, conduct market research, or provide anonymous reports to digital information for internal or external customers.
  3. If you use Facebook or other social services, High Tea may design through the relevant social service system. After obtaining your consent, some of the information on this website will be posted on your social media’s information page. If you do not agree to the publication of such information, please do not click the consent button, or remove the information through the membership mechanism of the social media afterwards or refuse to continue to publish relevant information from this website.
  4. High Tea has the right to provide your personal information to third parties who have signed a confidentiality agreement within the necessary scope. However, any third party has no right to separately use any personal information provided by Pei Chen
  5. High Tea will not provide personal information to any advertising company. However, when you read or browse the advertisements on the website platform, the personal information left by the advertising company is not included in this clause within the scope of protection.

About Cookie

  1. In order to facilitate identification in the future, when you use the services of this website, you may set and access Cookie on your devices.
  2. Pei Chen allows advertisers on this website to set and access cookies on your computer. For the relevant specifications of this part, please refer to the privacy policies of other relevant manufacturers. The privacy policy of Pei Chen does not include the content of this part.
  3. You can decide whether to allow the use of cookie technology by setting your personal computer or internet device. If you turn off the cookie, it may cause inconvenience or some functional restrictions when you use the services of this website.

Security and Safety

  1. For all employees who need to access user data at work, Pei Chen only provides limited access to each employee to ensure that the user’s data can be protected to the greatest extent.
  2. Pei Chen strongly recommends that all users do not arbitrarily disclose personal account information to third parties, and Pei Chen will not contact you through phone number or e-mail that you have not provided, but if you decide to provide personal account information to third party, you must bear all the responsibilities for data leakage. All related privacy regulations are also based on the third party’s privacy policy. If you accidentally disclose your account, please notify the customer service of Pei Chen to change your account information.
  3. At present, all technologies cannot ensure 100% security of information transmission or shopping transactions on the Internet. Therefore, all users should avoid providing sensitive personal information to others or on the website when using online products or services. For public disclosure, you also need to bear the risks of any online information transmission and shopping transactions.

Protection of Minors

This website is not specifically designed for minors (children). Users under the age of 12, please do not register to use the services of this website, and do not provide relevant personal information to this website; minors register or use the services of this website When agreeing to the collection and use of personal information on this website, it shall be done with the consent of the legal agent or guardian. Anyone who uses the services of this website in accordance with the normal procedures of this website, you agree to be deemed to meet the agreed conditions of this article.

Amendment of privacy policy

High Tea has the right to revise this privacy policy and related notices at any time, and it may be published on the High Tea website without separate notice. You can read the revised version on the High Tea website at any time.

Questions and Advices

If you have any questions, please use the following methods to notify Pei Chen.

  1. E-MAIL:[email protected]
  2. Customer Service Phone Number: 886-2-22992629
  3. Pei Chen Official Website- Send messages on CONTACT US
